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Category Archives: Magnetic Support
Can Magnets Affect the Body?
I have believed that magnets affect the body to help it to function better and to heal faster for a long time, and I use magnets myself. Most of the evidence that you hear offered for using magnets is usually anecdotal at … Continue reading
Why Magnets Do Not Work
There are some people who insist that magnets work and that they receive an amazing benefit from them. There are some people who say that magnets do not work, it’s all a load of hooey, and they absolutely refuse to even … Continue reading
Posted in Magnetic Support
Tagged earth energy, magnets do not work, magnets help the body, nikken magnets
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Lower Back Pain Relief
When you have low back pain there is almost no way to get comfortable because everything put pressure on it – sitting, standing or laying down. Most people are given pain medications and told that they just have to learn to … Continue reading